Divorce Procedure and Mediation in Utah

What is the divorce procedure in Utah? Are people going through divorce required to go to mediation?

The divorce procedure in Utah can be as simple or complicated as you make it. Some couples have figured out exactly what they want and others have a highly contested child custody divorce. The divorce procedure in Utah is;

  1. Filing of the Divorce Petition and service
  2. Answer to the Divorce Petition
  3. Temporary Orders
  4. Mediation
  5. Motions and Discovery
  6. Pre-Trial
  7. Trial

These are the basis steps to your divorce. You can always do more motions and further discovery. You can also have temporary orders done more than one time. Sometimes divorces go for a long time and things change. When things change then you can go back and ask for different temporary orders.

As to mediation, it is a great tool to try and settle your divorce. It is only required if you are contesting the divorce to such a degree that you want to go to trial. Before you go to trial the court will require you to go to mediation. The reason for this is the Court hopes that if there is a disinterested third party that is a professional that maybe they can help you both come to a resolution. As your divorce lawyers we will be with you every step of the way to advise you and to make sure you get what you legally deserve. Call today for a free consultation at (801) 475-0123. We have an office in Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah.