Our lawyers understand that when you apply for Social Security Disability when suffering from depression or bipolar disorder can be extremely confusing and stressful. We can help with the process and help prepare your case to be successful. Call today for a free consultation (801) 475-0123 When you have a review of your disabilities whether in a hearing or otherwise the administration is looking for these Read More
Relocation with Children in a Divorce
Should I leave with the Children? By Brian Arnold Esq. & Lauren Schultz Esq. Brian Arnold is a partner at Arnold Wadsworth & Coggins. Arnold Wadsworth & Coggins has offices in Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. Brian Arnold has recently co-authored a book on divorce that can be purchased on Amazon and through Barnes and Noble. Brian practices in all areas of domestic law and was a contributing editor Read More
New Domestic Automatic Injunction Effective November 1, 2019 URCP 109
The Utah Supreme Court has adopted a new effective date of November 1, 2019 for the following rule. The rule was formerly effective May 1, 2019. The November date will accommodate programming changes necessary to effectuate the rule's purposes. Utah Rules of Civil Procedure URCP109. Injunction in certain domestic relations cases. New. Provides that in certain domestic relations cases, an injunction will enter Read More
When Can the Office of Recovery Services (“ORS”) Collect Alimony?
This issue causes a lot of heartache because ORS does not uniformly implement its regulations. Implementation often depends on the caseworker, which is very frustrating. Here is the regulatory rule governing the issue. (R527-34-2): Collect and enforce current and past-due spousal support (alimony) on all IV-A and Non-IV-A cases if the following criteria are met: A spousal support order has already been Read More
A Brief Introduction to Utah Deficiency Actions
When a lender forecloses on a mortgage and sells the property, it sometimes happens that the sale price does not cover the entire mortgaged amount. For example, you owe the bank $250,000 but the home only sells for $200,000 at auction. The $50,000 difference is called a deficiency. Utah is a state that allows lenders to launch a deficiency action against you for the outstanding amount, although they must do so Read More
What You Need to Know About the Utah Driver’s License Appeal Process Following a DUI Arrest
Millions of Americans rely on their driver’s license to legally drive to and from work, school, the grocery store, and other destinations. Losing it after a DUI arrest can be inconvenient at best, and life-changing at the worst. The DUI Arrest When you are stopped for a DUI in Utah, you will be facing both criminal charges and a driver’s license suspension. The police officer will confiscate your license and Read More
6 Illegal Bill Collection Tactics to Watch For
The phone is ringing again, but you don’t pick up because you’re pretty sure who it is: that collection agency that’s been chasing you for overdue credit card or loan payments. You offered to do a payment arrangement, but they wanted their money NOW and used abusive language when you demurred. Is there anything you can do to stop the harassment? Actually, yes. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a Read More
Understanding Utah’s Spousal Support Obligations
Spousal support, also known as alimony, consists of court-directed payments from one spouse to another after all marital property has been distributed to both spouses. During cooperative divorces, both parties may come to their own agreement regarding who pays how much. With litigated divorces, the court considers factors such as the requesting spouse’s need for support and the financial ability of the other spouse Read More
5 Useful Tips to Help You Repair Your Credit Following a Bankruptcy
You may have heard that after filing for bankruptcy, you will never get credit again. Bankruptcy does damage your credit score in the beginning and stay on your credit report for at least 10 years, but you are not limited to a cash-only existence for the foreseeable future. The truth is that many people go on to successfully qualify for credit cards, mortgages, and loans after discharge. By demonstrating financial Read More
Charged with a Drug Crime in Utah? Here’s What to Expect
In Utah, all drug offenses are serious and treated as such. What you can expect after an arrest will depend on the type and quantity of the drug involved, as well as the alleged crime, which can range from a simple possession charge to the sale, distribution, and trafficking of illegal drugs. You may also face misdemeanor or felony charges, both of which impact your freedom and future Read More